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KiberПсих 22.05.2013 16:13






Makinero 31.05.2013 14:48

You tried to load the same page more than once in one second.

You tried to load the same page more than once in one second. Please go back and try again.
Is this error can also occur when downloading files? (not to mention fast browsing), the developers at Vk.com - something changed?

vladsima 31.05.2013 19:07

VK developers changed a lot recently.
Possibly they added this error, when you are requesting too many files in one time.

Makinero 31.05.2013 20:42

Previously, up to 100 files at once to download with no problem, now only one, ((and so now it's an awfully long time downloading a single file)

KiberПсих 01.06.2013 03:55

Makinero, this error for pages and *.php of VK.
Downloading video, audio and photos from direct links don't have this problem.
What you try download?

Makinero 01.06.2013 15:33

This is not the fault of changes to the site VK.
This problem{"Too many request short time"} of "new plugin"(other program) to download photos, etc.
The developer should be a fix soon.;)

KiberПсих 01.06.2013 22:16

Makinero, may be this error from VK API (it's allow 3 request per second). :)

Makinero 01.06.2013 22:55

Are you sure that the three requests per second?
I'm working on a "no updated version of the program" - that is works on the old version (at least until such time as the fix new version)
If I wanted to I could collect about 1500 - 2000 vk.com/albums (50000 - 100000 photos) - within 24 hours. In theory, so use special set in the number of queries per second It would appear that the program simulates a human activity.

KiberПсих 01.06.2013 23:51

Makinero, I say about request for get links to photos end etc. Download jpg's from direct links without this limitation.
Per one request you can get from API 100 links to photos if scan all photos from group/user, or 500 if get photos from album.

Makinero 03.06.2013 01:01

I noticed that the Download Master or IDA can not cope with the extract all the pictures on the wall ........NOT GRABB all links
(even if you scroll to the bottom of the page) and do not know how to deal with it. If know suitable tool for this???

I'm talking only(!!) about /photo /photo-
Note: does not apply to links to full-sized images

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