I know which API methods need use for get all links and how write script,
but I don't know existing tools for this... may be http://vkbot.ru/ |
This is a paid program?
not free? Besides, I don't know what actions to perform in this program: Instead of letters I have: ALL BUTTONS: Код:
??????? http://thumbnails101.imagebam.com/25...8257924908.jpg |
Makinero, It has free version
You can try translate lng.ini Russian -> English |
Do not you explain exactly how to change the language.
But I have only "?" VKbot probably not be installed on the disk? Добавлено через 11 минут Sorry. This is a very stupid software!! You can change the language of the program by changing only the language of Windows. Damn functions - nothing significant. I know because I used to be tested. Looking for a better program or script(Only for wall or entire groups [I'm not talking about the albums]) |
I write code for grab photos links from wall. Run this script from browser console on main group page: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Y4pQ3gRm P.S. need installed vkopt. |
большая работа, спасибо:)
Makinero, this function comming soon in next VkOpt version))
http://ipic.su/a5TVZ.png |
Great message. I've always been curious about what changes to make in the next versions.
current sources http://vkopt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/source/ current changes log: http://vkopt.googlecode.com/svn/trun.../vkopt_log.txt |
+ Ęíîďęŕ ďîëó÷ĺíč˙ ęîäŕ íŕ âčęč-ńňđŕíčöŕő To, for me it was displayed correctly should be file save as ... Unicode big endian *.docx Script (wall) little defect (save option disappears - if you do not have time to select this option) http://vk.com/risunki_v_tetradi show only links and the option to SAVE (they disappear fast) |
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