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Makinero 05.06.2013 23:17

I know you can not save the brilliant idea of similar files in a directory.
Eg users/members have similar photos / drawings on the wall and it was nice to have a collection of sorted, and in the meantime I have all the pictures / drawings of "mixed/mashup" :)

but the most important is that "loaf is better than nothing":jokingly:

KiberПсих 05.06.2013 23:59

Makinero, your tasks requires complete applications, not perversions using scripts :D

Makinero 06.06.2013 00:29

Well plugin to download entire walls (of course with separate packages - to separate folders) - has been completed.
Developer has yet to enter the minor corrections:
Improved errorhandling and slowed down so requests download server does not block ...
Of course, talking about another application to download all albums, wall- Vk (and perhaps the entire page - only the server can fall - is not no joke - I will not collect all the "junk" for my HDD :jokingly:
Maybe if I gave you the source code to download everything from the Vk.com it might have been useful for you? hehe....
But I doubt that will Vkopt "tool for everything" ;)
After VKopt not be Downloader ;)

KiberПсих 06.06.2013 01:30


Сообщение от Makinero (Сообщение 62935)
Maybe if I gave you the source code to download everything from the Vk.com

For the interest, I would have looked source)

Makinero 06.06.2013 01:50


Makinero 08.06.2013 16:59

IDA/Download Master - problems with saving "Unicode filename"
IDA - problems with saving the "Chinese characters, the file name" - how to solve this problem ???:(


click full size

Not suport Unicode filename?

KiberПсих 08.06.2013 17:31

Makinero, I don't know http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/light_skin/unknw.gif

Makinero 08.06.2013 23:55

Vk.com - not always show pictures
I often have this problem. How to solve it?


KiberПсих 09.06.2013 00:06

Makinero, May be need clean cache?

Makinero 09.06.2013 00:11

It really does not help or help only one image and then again, does not show...:(

Very strange - as the opening of a direct link (full size) it shows a picture

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